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Word of Life has been such a blessing in my life.  

I had already attended seminary, but felt like I really hadn’t learned anything. 

So when the opportunity came up to attend WOL  . . . I took it.

I have learned so much more than I ever anticipated, and more that I had previously learned in the other school . 

The calling on my life to be in the ministry in some way is so strong that it actually scares me sometimes . WOL has helped me in trying to figure out just what that is by opening up our eyes to the actual different opportunities that are out there.  

WOL has been a blessing in other ways in my life as well . 

It has calmed my fears about things I was still , very unsure about . 

Anxiety and health and cleanliness OCD actually used to control my life since my cancer diagnosis , but the further along I  go in these classes , the less symptoms I have had . Now. . . .they are almost non existent! 

WOL has truly been a blessing to not just me , my little family as well . I teach them what I have learned. 

I have gained so many brothers and sisters throughout this program, and to someone like me that never had too much of a stable family life , it feels amazing .  I love you all ♥️♥️♥️♥️