Word of Life Bible School has made a huge impact in my life. My husband and I were visiting when I first heard about it. This opportunity was definitely a God thing! I felt the Lord leading me to sign up. In our first class we all went around the room and shared the reason why we signed up. My reason was to enlarge my tent and I shared how the Lord knew I’d always wanted to go to Bible School. I wanted to learn more about God and always felt I’d fallen short growing up attaining and retaining the knowledge I felt I should have in my adult life. My hero (Papa) was called to his eternal home in January 2021. Now that I’m a grandmother I wanted to enlarge my tent so I can be a Godly example too for the generations to come. The last 9 months have been life altering. As my journey began it was like seeing my reflection in a mirror. God met me right where I was. My relationship with the Lord and my faith have grown and I feel the presence of the Lord in a way I’ve never experienced before. It’s been an honor being a student of Word of Life Bible School and I would recommend it to everyone!