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Good Day to you Brandon and Chris,

I will warn you, I’m a talker but when it comes to my english and grammar this may not be pretty. I’ve had college but english was not my major so forgive the run ons and horrible punctuation.

My testimony about Word of Life

It’s hard to give a short testimony about Word of Life. I’ll do my best to communicate what this school has done for me as short as I can. Writing gives me even more space to get wordy.  If I had to put it in one sentence I would say, “Word of Life, changed my life.” I can’t imagine that anyone wouldn’t say that!

On day one I had no idea what to expect and I think I thought it would be a course that would be a repeat of what I already knew. I wasn’t a stranger to the Word, at least I thought I wasn’t. When I let that money go into Priscillas hand (the very last day to sign up) it was in faith with a little hesitation. I was living out that mustard seed faith Matt 17:20. I didn’t realize that those mountains would be moved in every chapter we worked into. In our very first class (ABC OF FAITH) I got a nugget of knowledge that immediately turned into wisdom. Right there on page 11 in the section, “Believe with the Heart” was a profound answer to a question I had struggled with for years. I was still stumbling over it the day I walked into class. Then Pastor Gary said, “Faith will work in the heart with doubt in the head” I almost burst out in song when he said that. It may have been elementary for someone else but this was a profound shift for me. I didn’t feel like a failure after hearing this truth. My faith was increased and I started to pray for the Lord to take my thoughts captive every time that doubt rolled in. Having the foundation to understand how this flesh is battling with the Spirit everyday, and that we are still in the game regardless is freedom. I’m not there anymore. I know doubt can be a part of a struggle, but all the Biblical knowledge that went with the chapter gave me a stronger foundation than I had ever had. It prepared me for the next 16 chapters.

Word of Life is a profound message that took me deeper into the knowledge of God and granted me wisdom to apply it. I learned with each chapter I wasn’t near as wise as I thought I was. I can give an account of each but for the sake of time I’ll move on. Each chapter and each instructor/shepherd/teacher, brought with them an anointing. They gave us wisdom, and love, while carrying us into a place we could grow. This anointing covered the classroom and the subject in such a way it drove deep into my soul awakening the Truths of God in ways I have never been taught before. It has changed the way I view God. It changed my relationship with Him, and who I am in Christ.There is a confidence knowing who I am in Christ, and who He says I am! I’ve become so comfortable with being a servant of God I have peace that is unlike any peace I’ve ever had. There is freedom and joy that comes from correct teaching. It gave me encouragement to know I am equipped to serve God with His Truth and not just what I heard or was taught by someone who couldn’t back up what they said with scripture. People who mean well can sometimes get it wrong. I don’t want to get it wrong.  Every subject was presented with the Word. There can be no argument about the deep roots of God when it comes right from Him. We were all treated with love, compassion, patients and encouragement in every class. It has given me confidence and trust that I’ll be ready for whatever task, or calling, God has for me. The expectation for us to come with a sense of excellence was wonderful. I am very proud to have attended a school that gave its best, and expected nothing less from the students. That is a lesson in and of itself. I know, that I know, because of this time of education not only has my foundation become stronger, it has also given me what I need for everyday life. For the building up of the Kingdom. It has shown me how to be a true ambassador for Jesus Christ. It has brought a humility where once there was arrogance. I will continue to study and draw as much knowledge as possible but will do so with the right heart. My relationship with the Father, Son, and Spirit is like the tree planted by the river now. Being with others who wanted and desired to go deeper with the Lord has been a time I will cherish for the rest of my life. We became a family in a Love that came straight from the seat of God. I would recommend this class for everyone. From the new Christian, all the way to a seasoned elder who has walked with Christ all their lives. You will get something from it and it might just change your life. I’m more than grateful for every hour spent, every test, every time I was able to serve, and learn I was wrong about something. I know that I am prepared for such a time as this. Even if it is only washing dishes for someone, or testifying about who Jesus is. I’m ready. Glory I’m ready. There is only one downside concerning Word Of Life. Now that we are drawing close to the end I will miss being together with my brothers and sisters. I will miss hearing the Word brought twice (Sometimes three times.) a week by anointed and knowledgeable, Holy Spirit lead leaders. Leaders that have shown us this is more than a school. It is life. I will miss seeing the faces of those who talk small chatter after class about a golden nugget they received. I learned a lot about being quiet after our classes and during break. My love, and trust in people deepened, and was restored. I can never go back to the old way of receiving or thinking when it comes to the Word, to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Many years ago I asked God to allow me to see someone through His eyes. He did, and it was like nothing I had ever experienced. During one of our chapters I heard this phrase again. Little did I know it would plant a seed in me to let God have my heart, eyes, ears, and motives so He could show me how to walk/love like Christ. It brought me into a place where I found I didn’t know as much as I thought.  I accepted Christ in 1998. It was a true conversion but for all the years I’ve been walking with the Lord I don’t think I truly surrendered. “I” worked so hard to be something, I couldn’t see the need for preparation. I ended up fighting to be, only to end up disappointed and suffocating with a bruised ego. Through Word of Life, I’ve learned to let God….